Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tat Tvam Asi (Sanskrit: तत् त्वम् असि or तत्त्वमसि), a Sanskrit sentence, translating variously to "Thou art that," "That thou art," or "You are that," is one of the Mahāvākyas (Grand Pronouncements) in Vedantic Hinduism. It originally occurs in the Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7, in the dialogue between Uddālaka and his son Śvetaketu; it appears at the end of a section, and is repeated at the end of the subsequent sections as a refrain. The meaning of this saying is that the Self - in its original, pure, primordial state - wholly or partially identifiable or identical with the Ultimate Reality that is the ground and origin of all phenomena. The knowledge that this is so characterises the experience of liberation or salvation that accompanies the Unio Mystica.


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  3. Tatuvamasi- "You are That". That means what?

  4. Tatvamasi- Here the word itself tells us that If you want to see God, just see in yourself. A divine example is "Shabarimala". There are certain protocols to be followed before visiting this enchanting temple. The visitor alias "Ayyappan" himself should follow certain practices. After all taking the 41 days penance or "Vrutha", the one who visits the shrine..
    himself considers as "Ayyappan". Tatvamasi-> "You are that". This phrase signfies that once you practice the "Bhramacharya" and strict penace, he can see God in Himself..In temple after climbing the Holy 18 steps, you can read "Tatvamasi" which will be meaningful then.. A beautiful philosophical thought. sabarimala- Atleast once in your life you should visit. We cannot convey the divinity over there...

  5. TATVAMASI - to mean The Jiva (human for example) and Brahman ( God ) are identical, so that there is no difference between the Atman of Jiva and Brahman.
    By knowing the SELF ( tvam ) or throgh self realisation) we will be able to recognise the entire Universe ( Tat ) because of the fact that the Universe cannot exist without the presence of Brahman.

  6. u cud use a bigger font. cant read tat thing

  7. Tatvamasi is "Aham Bramasmi" that is Self or athman is God.It is butifully brought out in Thirumulars Thirumandiram."Unn udambu alayam,Ullam perum Koil.Tella thelindarku Jeevan sevalingam,Kalla pulan indum kalla mani vilaku ,Vallal perarku vai gopura vaasal"which means to say our body is a temple and for the pure at heart jeeva is the sivalingam.The 5 senses are the lamps of the temple and muladara is the entrance of the temple.This is what is practiced in the Ayyappa cult.
